
The experience of a strong partnership

An Interview

ValoriDoc courses are designed and conducted by a team of experienced trainers, in close collaboration with the Universities of Grenoble, Avignon, St Etienne and Aix-Marseille.

A strong partnership is established with associations of Ph.D students, in particular with: Glob'Alps, Elipsce, Laitue, 6&0.doc, ADGE, AITAP, Hypo'Thèse (Marseille), ASEC (St Etienne) and SPB (Strasbourg), as well as other local associations.

Common actions around the employability of doctors are conducted in Grenoble since 1998. ValoriDoc courses are offered to doctoral students since 2003. To date, more than 100 sessions were held. The assessment of students is excellent. In total, more than 2000 Ph.D students and professionals have benefited from joint actions carried out since 1998.

Glob'Alps      ASEC
AITAP      HippoThèse